I was so lucky to make my own humble contribution to the ‘Jimmy Carr and the Science of Laughter: A Horizon Special’ documentary which was transmitted in the UK on Sunday 11th September 2016 at 9pm on BBC 2.
I gave an interview about Russian humour and my attitude to British humour. I am crazy about broadcasting and, for me, the BBC have always been like Gods who came from Olympus.
And so is Jimmy Carr. He is my favorite comedian on earth! In fact, when I was filmed, I didn't know who would be the host. I learnt it only a few months after. To say that I was on cloud 9... would be an understatement. Even though I appeared in the film for just a couple of minutes, it was magic!
Even though the BBC didn’t give me much chance to speak (which wasn’t too bad, I looked clever), I didn’t have to wait long to get my chance to blab. I was invited to give an interview for the podcast about comedy!
We talked about comedy poems, Russia’s version of the gong show, judging people by what comedy they watch, learning English via Skype, my first impressions of the London Open Mic scene, my YouTube channel and what Russians really think about the UK. The full version of the interview is available here.